Blue Watch Welcomes New Board Member We want to take this opportunity to introduce you to our newest board member, Deputy Chief David Agee, of the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office. David replaces Jim Cartledge who retired from the Board last year. Deputy Chief Agee...
April Highlights Blue Watch had the pleasure of hosting the April meeting of the Metropolitan Criminal Justice Executives Association (MCJEA) at the Homewood Senior Center. We were honored to talk about the Blue Watch mission and all that has been accomplished in the...
Partnering with Local Church Blue Watch strives to work with the local church to carry the gospel to the law enforcement community. We want to thank Dr. Michael Wesley, Sr. and everyone at Greater Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church for their continued support. For a...
Officer Outreach Blue Watch wants to place resources in the hands of officers that will help them cope with the trauma they often encounter. Sometimes it is the emotional scars of gun battle, other times it is the grief of dealing with the loss of a comrade by...
Officer Outreach Blue Watch wants to place resources in the hands of officers that will help them cope with the trauma they often encounter. Sometimes it is the emotional scars of gun battle, other times it is the grief of dealing with the loss of a comrade by...
During this holiday season Blue Watch wants to extend a Christmas wish to all officers and their families. We want to express a special thank you to all those who will be working. Thank you for your sacrifice! New Officer Initiative Blue Watch wants to reach officers...