Live Unconquered Receives High Marks
What a great day of food, fellowship and encouragement. The day begain with Lt. Colonel Dave Grossman’s presentation on the “Bulletproof Mind.” Then Andy Hughes challenged everyone on the importance of leadership and leading with integrity. The day ended with a challenge from Adam Davis with “Live Unconquered” on how to overcome adversity.

Overall, this event had the best reviews yet of anything we have done. Here are just a few of the comments about the day’s events:
“Speakers were relevant and exciting”
“Fantastic training. Excellent speakers.”
“Keep doing what you are doing.”
“Love the Biblical foundations of faith, courage and love.”
“I would hightly recommend this course to every police officer and their families.”
Some said they would even like to see this as a multi-day event.
Thanks to our vendors: World Police and Fire Games, BHM 2025, Law Enforcement Torch Run, Peer Support and Mission First Alliance.
Last, but not least, thanks to our volunteers who gave their time to make the day a success.
Plans are already underway for next year, stay tuned and be on the lookout for more information early 2024.

Year-End Giving

Donations are the primary source of funding for Blue Watch and this is what we rely upon to carry out the mission. As the year comes to a close, consider making Blue Watch part of your year-end giving.
This year, because of the generosity of one of our benefactors, every dollar given between now and the year’s end will be matched dollar-for-dollar up to $25,000.
Please prayerfully consider making Blue Watch part of your year-end giving. Blue Watch is a 501c3 non-profit and all donations are tax deductible.
To donate, visit our donation page. You can also mail a check, made payable to Blue Watch, to:
2620 Swiss Lane, Birmingham, AL 35226
Order Your Book Today — No Cost to You
Blue Watch wants officers to have a clear mind and whole heart. We offer resources that we believe will help them. Currently we offer the following books:
- “Winning A Gunfight…securing victory ethically, mentally and tactfully in a gunfight”: There is much more to winning a gunfight than just physically surviving. Most who are in gunfights survive but may not win. Learn the difference and how you can survive and win.
- “Suicide Is Not an Option”: Each year 2.5-3 times more officers take their own life than are murdered in the line of duty. Despite the efforts of many, the suicide rate amongst law enforcement officers continues to rise. A retired police sergeant and author, Tim Rupp, explores the spiritual aspects and argues there is meaning to life beyond the individual.
To order your FREE copy, visit our Book Giveaway page and let us know which book you would like!
Once you have read the book, please share with us your thoughts, good or bad, and we hope you will pass along the book to a fellow officer.
Get Involved
There are many ways to support the Blue Watch mission:
- Pray – we need prayer warriors who will pray for us on an ongoing basis and at special events.
- Volunteer – we are in need of people who will help manage our website, social media and other aspects of the ministry. If the mission of Blue Watch is of interest to you and you have a skillset to offer, consider Blue Watch.
- Donate – it takes money to make all of this happen. The Lord greatly blessed us in 2022, but to continue our progress will require increased giving. You can give online or by check.
If any of these are of interest to you, please email us at
Blue Watch is a 501c(3) non-profit. All donations are tax deductible.
The mission of Blue Watch is to help officers and their families experience the relevance and benefits of God in their lives.