First Responders Family Adventure @ Living River Retreat – October 20-24, 2021
You do not want to miss out on this great opportunity to getaway and relax. Join us at Living River Retreat near Montevallo, located on the banks of the beautiful Cahaba River.
This venue offers hiking, canoeing, swimming, fishing and much more. This is a great low-cost opportunity to get away with your family for one day, two days or all four – whatever your schedule allows.
For more information contact Steve Dedmon at or call 205-482-4424
Fall Leadership Conference Canceled
Due to unforeseen circumstances the Fall Leadership Conference has been cancelled. Be on the lookout for information on events in 2022.
A full refund has been issued for those who paid in advance. If you have not received your refund, contact us at
Winning A Gunfight
In September copies of “Winning A Gunfight” were sent to the Madison County Sheriff’s Office and the Gurley and Pleasant Grove Police Departments.
On June 17, Gurley police officers and Madison County deputies were working together to serve an outstanding warrant in the Gurley community. When they attempted to make the arrest, the suspect ran into the woods and began to fire upon officers. The suspect was wounded when officers returned fire. Fortunately, law enforcement was not wounded in this incident.
On September 23, a suspect was wounded during an officer-involved shooting with officers from Pleasant Grove.
Anytime there is an officer-involved shooting, Blue Watch will send copies of “Winning A Gunfight”, to any department. “Winning A Gunfight” was written by retired San Antonio Police Department sergeant and now ordained pastor Tim Rupp. Tim addresses the emotional and spiritual aspects of gunfights. This is a must read for any officer that has ever been involved in an officer-involved shooting.
If you or someone you know has been involved in a gun battle and would like a copy of the book, let us know. We will send you a copy at no charge. Simply email us at

We Want to Hear From You!
Blue Watch is here to serve you – the law enforcement community and your families. We want to hear from you because we want to offer services that you need and want. Email us at
The people of Alabama support their officers and they stand ready to help.
Get Involved
There are many ways to support the Blue Watch mission:
- Pray – we need prayer warriors who will pray for us on an ongoing basis and at special events.
- Volunteer – we are in need of people who will help manage our website, social media and other aspects of the ministry. If the mission of Blue Watch is of interest to you and you have a skillset to offer, consider Blue Watch.
- Donate – it takes money to make all of this happen. The Lord greatly blessed us in 2020, but to continue our progress will require increased giving. You can give online or by check.
If any of these are of interest to you, please email us at
Support the Mission
Please prayerfully consider making Blue Watch part of your year-end giving. The faithful giving of many in the community has made all we’ve done possible. To continue the mission will require greater community support. If this is something you feel led to support, you can donate by:
- Clicking the “Donate” button at the top of the page.
- Making a check payable to Blue Watch and mail to 2620 Swiss Lane, Birmingham, AL 35226.
Blue Watch is a 501c(3) non-profit. All donations are tax deductible.
The mission of Blue Watch is to help officers and their families experience the relevance and benefits of God in their lives.