Register Today for Our Spring Conference!
Join us Thursday, April 23, at the Bessemer Civic Center for “Sun Tzu and the Officer Resiliency Mindset Principles for Modern Day Policing”, presented by Jim Bontrager, a veteran law enforcement instructor, communicator and U.S. Marine. This one-day event will be from 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m., check-in starts at 7:30 a.m. Cost is $30 and includes course materials, certificate and lunch.
Sun Tzu was a Chinese general and tactician born in 544 B.C. A brilliant strategist, he authored the epic war tome, “The Art of War,” required reading for the CIA, U.S. Military Intelligence and the Marine Corps Reading Program. Sun Tzu specialized in tactics that equipped an inferior force to defeat a superior one. Employing such principles as using deception, carefully accommodating yourself to your enemy’s purposes, exploiting your enemy’s disposition, baiting his forces to conquer them through ambush and ideally breaking their resistance without fighting was the primary goal.
This training will examine how these same tactics are used to destroy law enforcement officer’s psychological well-being. We will identify the deceptions employed against officers, the ways evil accommodates itself to the profession, the baits offered to lure officers and the sobering reality of success in getting them to quit without a fight. This course will share “rubber meet the road” strategies that will armor up warriors psychologically, fortifying them against defeat!
You don’t want to miss out on this great one-day opportunity. Seating is limited, so don’t delay and register today at You will receive 7 hours of APOST training for this event. Deadline to register is April 16.
February Leadership Workshop Was a Great Success
A special thanks to the Vestavia Hills Police Department for hosting our very first Leadership Workshop.
Manuel Zarate and John Gaskins led this half-day event on the importance of communication. “Transformational Communication… the power of words to motivate and increase productivity” provided officers a Biblical perspective on real-world experiences and how they impact the profession. This event was attended by 36 officers representing 14 agencies from across the state. Don’t miss our next workshop! Watch for information on future events.

Blue Watch Is On TV
Tommy Spina, host of “Our Issues Birmingham” recently sat down with Blue Watch founder and Executive Director, Burke Swearingen, to discuss the important role Blue Watch plays in our community and how it ministers to the law enforcement family.
The interview will air Sunday, April 5 & April 12. Air times are 10:30 a.m. on CW21 and 10:00 p.m. on My68.

Local Training Opportunity
On Sunday, April 26, at 5:30 pm., The Phillip Mahan Davis Foundation and Alabama PBA are sponsoring “Law Enforcement Stress and Strengthening the Family.” This evening event is a great opportunity officers and their loved ones to learn how to cope with the stresses of the profession. Click here for more information on this free event, or go to to register. Childcare is provided with RSVP. This training is eligible for 2 hours of APOST training.
Support Our Mission
Prayerfully consider making Blue Watch part of your annual giving. To do all we hope in 2020 will require greater community support. If this is something you feel led to support, you can give two ways:
Donate or make a check payable to Blue Watch and mail to 2620 Swiss Lane, Birmingham, AL 35226.
If you are unable to donate monetarily, please consider helping with our guests travel expenses by donating your sky miles or hotel points.
The mission of Blue Watch is to help officers and their families experience the relevance and benefits of God in their lives.