Dear Friends:
I am excited to report that our Spring conference, “Winning A Gunfight” was a tremendous success. Speaker Tim Rupp helped the officers understand the importance of not just surviving, but more importantly, winning. He provided encouragement, emphasized the importance of the law enforcement profession and discussed how it is ordained by God.
The conference was attended by 119 officers and chaplains from across the state, representing almost 40 agencies. They came from as far south as Dothan and as far north as Florence. The reviews were very positive, and they said they want more. During the breaks, a number of officers visited with Tim and shared their own stories of survival from dangerous encounters and discussed how this training is very valuable.
So, what’s next? Preparations are already underway for a fall conference that will focus on key leadership principles officers need. An announcement will be made once a date is secured. Pray as we make plans not only for this event, but other events that will be designed to strengthen and encourage our officers. Pray for the Lord’s direction as I seek other members for the Board of Directors and Board of Advisors.
Thank you again for your support. This day would not have been possible without the prayers and support from countless people, churches and businesses. I am excited about what the Lord has in store. Our officers face many challenges both at home and on the job. Please join me by investing in their professional, emotional and spiritual development.
Best Regards,
Burke Swearingen

Burke with Tim Rupp and good friend Manuel Zarate. Manuel has been and continues to be a great mentor in the journey to organize Blue Watch. Manuel lead our leadership conference in the fall of 2018 and will do so again this fall.